The world of aerospace involves a lot of research, design, innovation and manufacture. Components are constantly changing and evolving and each of these technical solutions cannot not thrive in the market without adequate protection. Airlines are coming up with patents for the future to create more seating space on planes, minimize flight costs and increase the comfort of passengers while still making a profit. They are also exploring less engine noise, fuel use and an increase in range in comparison to said fuel consumption. The application of new technologies in aviation is helping reduce turnaround time on the ground for maintenance and safety checks. In this vein some airports are already using robotics for routine work like cleaning and baggage handling.
Airlines Unmanned Systems technology and Aircraft Health Monitoring Systems are also major trends which are beginning to play significant roles in the evolution of the aviation industry moving forward. These and other advancements in the industry ensure continued growth in the commercial sector, and the protection of the products of the mind and intellect, i.e. intellectual property, has never been more important or as valuable as now.
Our clients who face increasing competition daily in emerging and developing markets rely on us to provide adequate protection of their assets and intellectual property. This is why the IPR Group team, understanding the value of this protection, provides in-depth insight in the workings of IP legislation to give our clients top-quality service within the countries of our jurisdiction.
The patent attorneys and engineers on our team have experience which enables them understand the intricacies involved in aviation research to adequately communicate with our clients. They understand their needs and provide them quality service to the success of their enterprises. Our services include patent filing or registration, responding to office actions or appealing the decisions of the examination in any of the countries of the CIS. Our clients are confident that they can count on us for top quality service. We are well aware of the critical and time consuming nature of the industry. This is why our experts work promptly and seamlessly, to provide each and every one the best in protecting their diverse range of inventions.