The Patent and Trademark Attorneys of the IPR Group attended the 136th Annual Meeting in Hong Kong on May 10-14, 2014
This year the focus of INTA Annual meeting was on Asia and it served as a perfect platform to establish new contacts, exchange views and discuss current key IP trends with IP practitioners from Japan, Korea, China and other Asian countries.
Furthermore the 136th Annual Meeting featured a great number of table topic, education sessions, other events, which offered a great opportunity to gain an insight into current IP practice around the world, to network with IP professionals from different contries, learn and discuss recent developments in the field of protection of intellectual property rights on a global scale as well as in regard of each particular jurisdiction, which allows to bring the excellence in representing the interests of our clients to a new higher level with due consideration of the worldwide IP practice and involvement of the most experienced and highly qualified partners all over the world.
The Trademark and Patent Attorneys of the IPR Group would like to express their appreciation to the organizers of the 136th Annual Meeting for a brilliant opportunity to meet new colleagues as well as old friends and creating a special charming oriental atmosphere during this outstanding annual event.
Mr. Kirill Kistersky (IPR GROUP), Ms. Ximena Castellanos (CASTELLANOS & CO), Dr. Klaus Latzel (LATZEL-IP), Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna (IPR GROUP), Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP), Ms. Margarita Castellanos (CASTELLANOS & CO), Mr. Samuel Sebastian Summer (FMO RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI), Mr. Eckard NACHTWEY (NACHTWEY IP), Dr. Franz-Martin Orou (FMO RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI ) at the IPR Group reception
Mr. Richard MILCHIOR (GRANRUT AVOCATS), Mr. Nicolas O’Farrell (ESTUDIO APELLANIZ & O’FARRELL), Mr. Samuel Sebastian Summer (FMO RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI), Ms. Irmak Yalciner (YALCINER PATENT AND CONSULTING LTD.), Ms. Margarita Castellanos (CASTELLANOS & CO), Mr. Kirill Kistersky (IPR GROUP), Mr. Ugur YALCHINER (YALCINER PATENT AND CONSULTING LTD.), Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna (IPR GROUP), Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP), Ms. Ximena Castellanos (CASTELLANOS & CO) at the IPR Group reception
Mr. Jose Garrido Pastor (GARRIDO PASTOR ABOGADOS), Adolfo Lopez (AYALA & LOPEZ ABOGADOS) Mr. Samuel Sebastian Summer (FMO RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI) at the IPR Group reception
Ms. Nicoleta TARCHILA, (CABINET ENPORA), Mr. Nicolas O’Farrell (ESTUDIO APELLANIZ & O’FARRELL), Ms. Irmak Yalciner (YALCINER PATENT AND CONSULTING LTD) at the IPR Group reception
Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP), Mr. Máté BEDE (GEORG PINTZ & PARTNERS) at the IPR Group reception
Mr. Eckard NACHTWEY (NACHTWEY IP), Dr. Franz-Martin Orou (FMO RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI) ) at the IPR Group reception
Mr. Ariel Dubinsky (ARIEL DUBINSKY – LAW), Mr. Eckard NACHTWEY (NACHTWEY IP), Dr. Franz–Martin Orou (FMO RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI), Dr. Klaus Latzel (LATZEL-IP) ) at the IPR Group reception
Mr. Paul Rosenich, Ms. Noemi Rosenich-Marko (PATENTBURO PAUL ROSENICH AG), Mr. Eckard NACHTWEY (NACHTWEY IP), Mr. Kirill Kistersky, Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna, Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP) at welcome reception of INTA Annual Meeting
Alex SW Ho (ALEX HO & CO), Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna, Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP), Mr. Thomas P. H. CHAN (Lily Fenn & Partners) at the hospitality area of INTA Annual Meeting
Ms. Nina Wittich (HOFSTETTER, SCHURACK & PARTNER), Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna (IPR GROUP), Dr. Patrick Baronikians (HOFSTETTER, SCHURACK & PARTNER) at the dinner of Hofstetter, Schurack & Partner
Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna (IPR Group), Ms. Almut Bühling (BSB – INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW), Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP) at the hospitality area of INTA Annual Meeting
Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna (IPR GROUP), Marshall A. Lerner (KLEINBERG & LERNER, LLP), Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP) at the reception of CCPIT Patent And Trademark Law Office
Traditional Chinese music band at the reception of CCPIT Patent And Trademark Law Office
Dr. Franz-Martin Orou (FMO RECHTSANWALTSKANZLEI), Mr. Kirill Kistersky (IPR GROUP), Ms. Margarita Castellanos (CASTELLANOS & CO), Ms. Victoria Soldatova, Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna (IPR GROUP) at the reception of CCPIT Patent And Trademark Law Office
Dr. Patrick Baronikians (HOFSTETTER, SCHURACK & PARTNER), Ms. Delphine Brunet-Stoclet (SBKG & Associates), Mr. Jerome Pernet (TRADAMARCA), Ms. Nina Wittich (HOFSTETTER, SCHURACK & PARTNER), Ms. Vitaliya Sinitsyna (IPR GROUP), Mr. Kirill Kistersky (IPR GROUP), Dr. Alfons Hofstetter (HOFSTETTER, SCHURACK & PARTNER), Mr. Jon A. Birmingham (FITCH EVEN), Ms. Victoria Soldatova (IPR GROUP) at the dinner of Hofstetter, Schurack & Partner.