The Patent and Trademark Attorneys of the IPR Group attended the 137th INTA Annual Meeting in San Diego, California on May 2-6, 2015.
This year almost 10 000 of IP attorneys, practitioners and in-house counsels gathered for the INTA conference in sunny California. Recent developments in the field of protection of intellectual property rights, the efficient mechanisms of combating counterfeiting, trademark search and investigation tools, effective ways of protection of rights to domain names were in focus during the Annual in San Diego, California this year.
Table topics, speed networking and other communication and networking opportunities offered by INTA combined with the face-to-face meetings with IP lawyers from all over the world are the great platform for establishing new contacts and exchanging the views, experience and useful tips as to the current IP practice and laws in different jurisdictions.
The Attorney of the IPR Group would like to express their appreciation to the organizers for the well-organized event, which gives a perfect opportunity to meet and chat with the colleagues, establish new contacts among the community of IP practitioners and therefore to reach a new level of knowledge, proficiency and success.