The IPR GROUP attorneys took part in the 2nd International Convention on The Economy Innovation, held by the Israeli Group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI).
March 21-22, 2016, Tel Aviv, Israel
Apart from the legal and juridical aspects of the intellectual property rights protection, such as court practice, drafting and translation of patent applications, rules of the examination, the conference saw presentations illustrating the development of the innovative companies whose activities are based on successful introduction of inventions and new technologies into manufacturing process. Along with the high risk of investment into the innovative entrepreneurship, in case of success, the investor becomes the owner of the business with a high rate of surplus value, which allows to recoup the investments in a short term and occupy a dominant position in the markets. It’s worth mentioning that promotion of the innovative entrepreneurship is one of the priorities of the economic policy of Israel, which is directly related to and results from the state approach to funding the development of the fundamental sciences. Israel annually spends 5% of GNP on scientific research and engineering development, which is the highest rate in the world. Israeli annual exports total at the rate of USD 60 billion, and USD 30 billion accounts for high-tech products, which itself constitutes more than 11% of GNP. At the present moment Switzerland and Israel are the only two countries in the world where a high level of concentration of intellectual property rights is disproportionate to the size of the population and territory of these countries. Both states demonstrate a well-thought-out government economic policy and the possibility to build an efficient economy, which is independent of the mining industry and natural resources availability. At the same time, unlike the Swiss economic model going back to when the European bourgeoisie emerged, being closely connected to the historical processes of the religious reformation having close ties with the developed banking sector and, consequently, to such a tool of the economic development as a credit; Israel is an example of a relatively rapid economic breakthrough, caused by the effective government policy of creating conditions for boosting the scientific research and implementation of its results in the industrial spheres with high surplus value, which is known as an innovative technological entrepreneurship.
Nowadays, the interests of multinational corporations including modern companies that have arisen with the development of the Internet are represented in Israel. The Google Campus located in Tel-Aviv office is a great example of the creative environment for the discussions and exchange of ideas; environment, which allows simplifying and coordinating communication between inventors and business circles.
The Conference agenda featured visits to the startup companies, which made presentations of their development and investment prospects. The research was conducted in the interests of the investment fund of the IPR GROUP. We would like to express our deep appreciation to Ms. Dorit Korine for the support and assistance in organizing the meetings.
During the Conference, the new challenges associated with the development of modern technologies and consequently, the changes in some traditional areas, including public health were outlined. Medicine is one of the spheres, which is most closely associated with the results of creative activity of a man; at the same time, it is one of the most important spheres of the implementation of modern technologies. The recent methods of diagnostics, treatment and patients monitoring and follow-up require development of the technology related to health care, and the information technology is one of them. Storage, structuring and processing of medical research, medical action, pharmaceutical effects, related to the patient’s information bring new challenges for the developers of information technology intended for the medicine and health care sector. The boost of new technologies causes the changes in the development and consolidation of the new legal norms. From the public standpoint, one of the key tasks of a legal profession in a modern globalized world is the need to fix and shorten the lag between the legal system and overtaking development of science and transfer of the scientific achievements to society. Identifying this delay, raising the issues with the professional community and the legislative bodies, overcoming such gaps is a public mission of the IPR GROUP attorneys and lawyers.
The Conference provided the opportunity to discuss topical issues of the intellectual property rights protection and exchange of experience. Regular participation in international conferences allows to continuously improve the professional level of our team, to effectively represent the interests of our clients and maintain contacts with highly qualified professionals entrusted to act on behalf of our clients in different countries. We would like to reiterate our appreciation to the participants and organizers for their cooperation and hospitality!