The International seminar on national and regional features of the system of registration, protection of rights and other issues related to intellectual property rights in the EU member states and the United States organized jointly by the IPR Group and the Russian Chamber of Patent Attorneys took place in Moscow on October 22 – 23.
At the Center of Technology Transfer at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University more than 100 Attorneys from Russia and other CIS states welcomed the speakers from Germany (Mr. Eckard Nachtwey), Bulgaria (Ms. Ekaterina Savova), France (Mr. Richard Milchior), Spain (Mr. Jose G. Garrido), Italy (Mr. Boris Osgnach), Turkey (Mr. Ugur YALCINER), the US (Ms. Allison R. Imber), Ukraine (Mr. Kirill Kistersky) and Russia(Mr. Alexey Zalesov).
The two-day seminar saw nine presentations covering a wide range of topics in the field of intellectual property rights protection: from trademark registration under national, EU and Madrid procedure to opposition procedure and cancelation of trademarks applied in bad faith.
The presentations aroused a lot of interest and vivid discussion among the attendees. The Speakers answered numerous questions of the seminar participants, in particular concerning the differences and similarities of the Russian and European and American IP systems, the probable obstacles to trademark registration, which should be overseen by the applicant from Russia and CIS when registering his mark in Europe and US as well as registration of the Cyrillic trademark in the non-Cyrillic-using countries, etc.
Apart from the Question & Answer sessions, the seminar attendees had a chance to continue their communication with the speakers during the Coffee and Lunch breaks, which gave a unique opportunity to share and exchange their ideas and experience in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.
The International seminar held in Moscow by the IPR Group and the Russian Chamber of Patent Attorneys served as a great platform for the Russian & CIS, European and US Attorneys to discuss the most recent trends in IP legislation of their countries, the major issues and challenges facing the IP Attorneys all over the world.
Striving for further promotion of cooperation, communication and exchange of ideas between IP communities of different states the IPR Group would like to announce that it will continue to organize the meetings and events in such a format.