List of requirements for the GI application in Georgia:
– The indication of the goods in respect of which registration of GI is requested: granting the exclusive right to claiming CI or granting an exclusive right to a previously registered Gl;
– Indication of origin (place of manufacturing) of goods (borders of a geographical area);
– Description of special features of the goods;
– Conclusion of the authorized body of the government of designating country that within the boundaries of the specified geographical region the applicant produces a good of special features, which are exclusively or mainly determined by the characteristic of the geographical natural conditions and (or) human factors or, either any of the competent authority as defined in the manner prescribed by the government of the country, that within the borders of the specific geographical object the applicant produces a product with a basic special features listed in the State Register of GIs of the designating country;
– a document confirming the applicant’s right to the claimed GI in the country of origin, if a geographical object, the name of which is claimed as the GI is located outside of the designating country;
– Power of Attorney.
Goods features:
Description of the special features of the product must clearly shows the mandatory objective dependence of the special goods features from characteristic of natural conditions of the specific geographical area and (or) human factors.
Product properties should be described clearly and in accordance with accepted professional terminology (merchandising, technical and other).
Description of the special features of the goods should have an informative character, in particular should indicate the presence within this geographical area of the feedstock, corresponding climatic, geological or other environmental conditions, people (staff) are able to produce goods in the traditional way.
Confirmation documents:
As the document confirming the right of a foreign applicant to use the claimed GI in the country of origin may be submitted in a form of a certificate/ license authorizing the applicant of rights to use the claimed GI, issued by the competent body of the country of origin of the goods, the originals or copies certified by the authority that issued this certificate/license.
Terms of registration:
Term of smooth registration is about 18 months.